a manifesto (?) of commitment amidst the city of splendor

My life can be defined 
as I suppose all lives can –  
in their own uniquely common ways –  
as a continual awakening.  
From grand darkness, into immediate brilliance 
and then the slow and steady awakening –  
some dulling toward the end… (if one is ‘lucky’) 
and then to a place unknown… 
most likely the grand darkness, yet again.  

as it is right now, 
a Wednesday morning  
approaching nine in the morning, 
the excited bells of Venice 
sing their historicity every half hour; 
with a few soft lullabies in between, 
the sun is bright, the breeze cool 
and the city, strange in its splendor 
awakens for the 582,540th day 
(give or take a few)